I have probably lost whatever meager following I had. Since it has been months since my last posting. Once you fall out of the habit, it is hard to come back.
Since my last posting, in turn, I have had hip replacement surgery.....and ....Barack Obama has become our President Elect.
Of course, all of you know the latter. And most know the former.
So, why post this now?
No good reason really. But, I just visited my Blog. So here I am.
First, I am pretty much recovered from my hip replacement surgery. And am looking forward to an active tour guide year ahead.
Like many of you, I am discouraged by much of the news. But, looking forward to better times under an Obama presidency.
Of course, things CAN'T get worse. When have we heard that before.
My father used to tell the joke, that things were bad. So, his friend said "Cheer up, things could be worse" So, he cheered up, and sure enough, THING GOT WORSE. Ouch......
My major fear is that there is so much enthusiasm for an Obama presidency that, if things do not quickly improve, the public will react negatively and the new Administration will soon be playing catch up.
But, I am hoping that the Obama team is smart enough to recognize that and take the appropriate steps.
So far, again like much of the country, I am impressed with his appointments.
The thing that most encourages me is that so much of the country seems to think Obama will change things for the better.
I strongly believe in self fulfilling prophesies.
If people believe things will get better, I think they will.
Living in DC, we have the opportunity to witness history in the making, in person.
Whether we actually will, depends a lot on the weather.
A cold, wet day will keep us home like most of you, watching it on TV.
But, anything better, will tempt us to walk the 2 miles from our home to the Mall, to be among the 2 million or so others who will be able to tell their grandchildren that they were there.
Just like we can already tell ours that we witnessed Obama's acceptance speech in Denver. I still proudly wear an "I was there" button on my Obama cap to prove I was there.
(By the way, whenever I wear that cap, I get at least one friendly comment about it, often more. Never have had a unfriendly one yet.)
When at the acceptance speech, I wondered how his inauguration speech could improve on the acceptance one.
Well, we will soon find out.
Let me sign off now with holiday greetings.
Tonight is the first night of Chanukah. So Happy Chanukah to my Jewish friends.
Thursday is Xmas. So, Merry Christmas to the rest.
And,.....finally.....Happy New Year to all.
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