Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Obama's Choice

The Dept Extension Bill has been signed.

By substantial majoritew in both houses of Congress.

Yet, it seems NOBODY likes it.

On the right, many are saying that little real debt reduction was included. Surely not enough to satisfy many of them. Whether it really leads to real debt reduction, or not, does not matter. They are just unhappy now.

On the left, many are saying that their principle of tax fairness had been abandoned.

Whether tax modification ever creeps into the final picture, or not, is unclear. But, for now it does not appear to be the case. And the left is mad. Or should I say gravely disappointed.

Even many middle grounders are worried.

Yes, a debt crisis has been avoided. But, at what cost? And for what gain?

The cost may be jobs and the economy.

A reduction in government spending, will have to remove money from the economy.

How much is unclear. But, money produces jobs. And less money costs jobs.

The key on jobs is how businesses will respond to this compromise.

If business people interpret it as a step in the right direction, maybe they will open up and start employing more people.

To be honest, I doubt it.

If you were a small business owner, would you take your excess cash and invest it in more production? Or, would you invest it in less risky places? Or, would you just sit on it and wait? I would just wait. But, then again, I was a salaried employee all my life. How do I know how business people’s minds work.

And, what has been gained by this bill?

Yes, the ability to borrow enough money to keep the government operating, has been provided. There will be no default.

Debts will all be met.

All Government employees will be paid. All who keep their jobs that is….

All retirees, incl. Social Security recipients, will get their checks.

All loan holders will be paid.

Maybe…and this is not clear….theUS will keep its AAA rating

And.maybe…again….interest rates will stay low.

The general public…The Voters next year….Do not know what any of this means. Government officials, and most learned economists were aghast at the prospect of a government default. But, the average person does not understand this at all.

He or She understands if they have no job. Or if their child, or parent, or sibling, or friend, has no job. But, they do not understand much else.

Even the Economists are divided.

Think about how many in the vast middle have a friend, sibling, child or parent with no job. Almost 10% of the population is officially unemployed. And more are unoffically out of work. Think of how this spreads to all their friends, siblings, parents and children. The numbers are probably more than 50% of the population overall. How many of you are in that category?

How will they all feel if further jobs are lost or in jeopardy and government workers, and retirees (incl Social Security recipients), continue to draw checks? Everybody knows someone on Social Security. So, nobody wants them to starve. But, in a me first world, jobs count more than sympathy.

So, how does President Obama come out on all of this?

At this very early moment, I cannot see how he looks good.

His opposition thinks of him as weak.

His base thinks they have been abandoned.

The vast middle??? Well only polls will tell.

But based on the discussion above, they cannot be happy with things.

I think he did not show leadership in a time of crisis. His remarks were muted. He compromised on everything. And he never offered his own plan.

I do not say unequivocally that he was wrong.

Great leaders often have to do things they think correct even if it costs them in the short turn. Only history can tell if compromise was the right path here.

And even history is rarely clear about these things.

So a President has to do what he (Or she, some day) thinks is best.

President Obama made the choice to compromise. I think that is his natural inclination.

Would I have made the same choice?

Well, of course, he knows much more than than I do. I hope......

But, from where I stand now….No….

I would have offered a plan of shared contributions. Some tax cuts, some cost reductions and even some cost increases where I thought investments were needed. All things he vaguely talked about but never offered in a definite plan.

Instead, he left it to Congressional leaders to offer their plans. Eventually, they got one to pass. But, nothing that he can call HIS plan.

That is not leadership.

I think the country needs a President who leads. Not one who compromises.

One who offers his own plan. Not one who relies on others’ plans.

So, will I vote for him next time? Likely…..

There appears little other choice for me.

Even with my doubts, there appears no Republican on the horizon whom I could back.

And several that truly scare me.

But, if a charismatic, truly independent, candidate surfaces. One with creative ideas.

One who puts forward real plans.

I would be open to listening.

I think the Congress will go all Republican next time.

So, if President Obama wins, there will be divided government.

President Obama, will compromise. That is his natural tendency. And in a lame duck term, he no longer has to worry about his base. The end result will be that legislation will move to the right.

Not a good outcome in my mind.

So, why not a charismatic, independent?

If we are to have divided government anyway, why not have an independent thinker?

Does anybody know one?????

And there, President Obama, lies your biggest risk.

If I, a lifelong Democrat, is considering alternatives, can the uncommitted middle think otherwise?

I am unsure what President Obama can do now to recapture the leadership appearance he once showed.

But, he better get started…..

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