Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday in Denver

Barbara arrived on Friday night.
We went to eat at a restaurant called "Buckhorn Exchange". A historic...and very expensive...Denver landmark. If you ever get to Denver, you should come here. It is a unique restaurant.
The rooms are filled with every imaginable kind of stuffed animal. And the folk singer upstairs is great. Bunny and I came here two years ago.
All three of us had a great, albeit expensive, dinner.
Well, what the hell, no lodging expense...Right?
Saturday was my volunteer training. I am on the Transportation detail.
My job is to direct the VIP's where to park their cars and how to get to their various caucuses in the Colo Conv. Cen. The CCC is where the action is during the day. The action switches to the Pepsi Center in the late afternoon, evening and night.
I learned from my training that the Pepsi Center access is very tightly controlled and I will not be able to get in.
But, they held out a carrot that I we work faithfully for them over the week, there might be a limited number of tickets to the acceptance speech on Thurs at Invesco Field. Among the 85,000 in attendance. Hope springs eternal. We will likely not see much of him. But would like to be part of history, seeing the first Black Man nomionated by a major party. Makes my skin tingle in excitement. (Do real reporters speak in such graphic terms?)
In the mean time, Barb is busy working her network for tickets to the Pepsi Center.
Tomorrow morning (Monday) at 7AM (Yes there is such an hour), we have an invite to the DC Delegation Breakfast. From our DC Shadow Senator , Paul Strauss. I must be really into this stuff, if I am willing to get up at 6AM to be downtown by 7. It is at these Breakfasts, that you meet people who just might have a ticket or two to the Pepsi Center, to spare. Oh what heights I go to to get in.

After my training, Barb and I roamed around town, having both a great lunch (Belgian/French) and dinner (Russian). I am not a big eater, but both these meals were great.
In the afternoon we did the Presidential Experience near Invesco Field.
A lot of walking and not much excitement. But, it was great being around so many Democrats.
I bought an Obama Convention button. But am holding off on more until I see the Obama/Biden ones.
I am overjoyed with happiness and pleasure at the choice of Biden.
I wish Obama nothing but the best of health for a full 8 years in office.
But, in the event of ill health ... or worse...I am fully confident in the intelligence and skill of Biden to step right in.
In the end, that is the most important qualification of a VP. To be able to step right in. Joe Biden is just that man.
Today, we have three adventures.
1) Barbara gets her training and another shot at credentials to get into Pepsi Center. For both of us, I hope. She is at the "Credentials Desk" So, maybe she can get us a couple. Not optimistic. But, hope springs eternal.
2) An SEIU party that evening. Courtesy of a cousin of Barb's, who is a bigwig in SEIU. SEIU is the union Mira works for. I will be looking for people who might know her.
3) Then dinner with Barb's cousins.
Tomorrow starts the main event. Stay tuned for your trusty reporter on the scene.
In fact, we have been surprised by the lack of crowds so far. But, tomorrow should be different.
Now I must get off this computer to allow Barbara on.

1 comment:

Meghan, Bill and Nick said...

Glad to see things are going well. Keep up the posting and good luck getting a special invite to the Pepsi Center or Invesco Field.