Monday, August 25, 2008


I am actually writing this Monday night, as I got home too late on Sunday to do it.
A sleep in day for a change. Did not leave the house until about 2:30 PM.
First stop was for Barbara's training for her volunteer work.
In fact, it turns out that we will be both working this gig.
It got us very valuable credentials for all over the Colorado Convention Center. Next best thing to credentials for the Pepsi Center. Hope springs eternal for that. But, a great long shot.
After Barbara's training, it was off to a party sponsored by SEIU, that a cousin of Barbara's (An SEIU bigwig) got us invited to.
This may turn out to be the only convention party we go to.
But, hope springs eternal for more of these as well.
Upon entry, we immediately encountered two women who know....and love....Mira. They thanked me profusely for ''creating" her. I accepted their thanks proudly and neglected to say that I was only half responsible. But, if I did say that, in my characteristic humble way, I would have claimed credit for the better half. Anyway, it was nice to see her so profusely complimented.
The rest of the party was anticlimactic. I did not meet anybody else who knew Mira.
After the party, we had a nice dinner and desert with several cousins of Barbara. All three were impressively accomplished women. With fully developed careers and nice families.
Finally, one of them drove us home by about midnight.
Thus no time for a report that night.
All in all, a nice warm up to the beginning of the convention itself.

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