Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alan's Choice

Recently, I criticized President Obama for not offering a debt reduction plan of his own.

So, here is what I would have done.

In short, I would have offered the Simpson-Bowles Commission plan, or at least some version of it.

President Obama set up this Commission, unilaterally, after Congressed passed on that option. That, in itself, showed some leadership.

But, after his own Commission came out with their recommendation, he ignored it.

Yes, the plan was quite controversial. It took hits from both sides of the political spectrum. That’s what historic plans do. But, it offered to solve the problem. The Ryan Plan, which came much later, was also controversial. But, Ryan had the resolve to submit it. So, it is now known as the Ryan Plan. I did not like it. But, I respect him for offering it.

Yes, there were things in the S-B Plan that would have hurt me individually. Although, I must admit that I have forgotten the details. But, I remember that NARFE was upset with several elements. I also think it did away with the home loan interest deduction. That would cost me about $7,000/yr/. And hurt the value of my condo.

But, it seemed balanced…And it solved the problem.

Well before the full crisis hit.

If I were in President Obama’s place, I would have called in my most trusted economic advisors and asked them if any tweaks were in order. TWEAKS, I said, not full modifications.

Then I would have decided which to accept and which to reject. I would make that decision, not another committee or Congressional collection. Just ME.

Then, I would have invited the leaders of both houses of Congress to see MY Bill, and asked for them to submit it to their individual chambers for debate, and, hopefully, passage.

It would clearly be MY plan.

If these leaders declined to propose it, I would have gone around them until I found someone in each chamber to, at least, bring it up.

I think the pressure of public opinion would have forced it to be introduced for debate.

Then, I would have taken my show directly to the people. I would have delivered a prime time address. A passionate address.

Then, I would have gone on the road.

I would have staked the full future of my administration on passage of this Bill.

I would have proudly called it the Obama Plan for Fiscal Recovery.

OK, I would have been willing to accept some tweaks. But, not wholesale modifications.

If the Bill passed Congress, of course, I would have gladly signed it.

But, if it failed, or was filibustered, I would have, again, taken my case to the people.

I would have said that I tried and asked the opposition to come forward with their plan.

My (Alan’s) suspicion is that the Republicans would have been forced into proposing something somewhat similar. Something balanced. Something very different than the unbalanced Ryan Plan. Otherwise they would be labeled as uncompromising extremists.

Even if his plan never got passed, President Obama would have had something to run on in 2012. Something he could have said would have pulled the economy out of its malaise. Even if that could not have been proven, it would have looked good to all those unemployed and their friends.



So, what can President Obama do now to recapture the initiative?

Introduce an updated version of the S-B Plan!!!! A version that has the benefit of a year or so to percolate. But, essentially the same plan.

It is too late to submit it to Congress for direct approval. That chance has been lost forever.

But, instead, I would offer it to this select Congressional Committee that has been mandated in the present legislation, as a starting point for their plan. I would make it clear that I would not accept anything from them that was not balanced. This way their plan would have some elements of MY plan. Maybe not MY plan completely. But enough of MY plan that I could claim some pride of ownership.

If this Committee, or some elements of this Committee, refused to come forward with a balanced plan, I would veto anything else they proposed. Yes…VETO it.

And accept the fallback, automaric plan. That is hardly balanced. But, it is the law of the

the land as a fallback.

Then I would see how the chips play out.

If the economy somehow improves through job creation, I would enjoy the glow and run on a "Stay The Course" platform.

I do not think things will improve. If they do not, I could say that if Congress had followed MY plan, things would already be improving.

At least, I would have an economic plan to run on.

That would show leadership. It is not too late.

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