Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day three - Wednesday

The most active, interesting and stimulating day so far.
The day started with a breakfast with the Montana Delegation. Yes, MONTANA. Their press director is an ex colleague of Barbara's at the Capitol. He invited us. $30 cab fare but well worth it.
I have been in Montana once in my life, Billings, on one of my trips to and from Flagstaff during the years I was doing cloud seeding experiments. They were friendly then and are still very much so.
Their Chairman welcomed us warmly.
Their morning speaker was Bob Casey, Senator from Pa. I am unsure how a Pa Senator gets to address the Montana Delegation. But, it worked. They welcomed him warmly and he praised their two Senators, Max Baucus and Jon Tester.
Unlike the DC breakfast that we thought was 7 and turned out to be 8. This one we thought was 8 and turned out to be 7. But, we still got our steak and potatoes after the briefing. Great meal. Great companionship. Great fun.

Next, we attended an SEIU sponsored Health Forum. Many big names attended and spoke. In order, Ed Rendell (Gov of Pa), Deval Patrick (Gov Ma), Ted Strickland (Gov Ohio), Tom Daschle (Ex Senate Majority Leader), Andy Stern (SEIU Pres), and.....Hillary Clinton. I captured all of them in photos.
Next, on to a Seniors' Caucus. It turns out that Obama is not doing very well with seniors. So, among other things, we got a pep talk to spread the good word among our friends. Seniors seem unsure of Obama and his youth. They feel more comfortable with the compatriot John McCain. Even if McCain wants to privatise Medicare. The star here was the Chair of the DNC, Howard Dean. Not the most inspiring speaker, in fact. But, I got a photo of him as well.
Next to a Jewish "Square" Table discussion of Jewish religious tradition and politics. I would rather have heard a clearer exposition of Obama's positions with respect to the Middle East, in general and Israel, in particular. But, I guess I will have to read about it in the press release they handed out. Maybe with my camera, they thought I was part of the press. Well, with this blog, maybe I am.
Next, I attended a meeting of Hillary Clinton's pledged delegates. Clearly, I crashed that. It was here that she freed her delegates to "vote their conscience", not their obligation. She freed them to go wherever they wanted. Later, at the Pepsi Center during the delegate voting, it was clear that most moved to Obama, as he won the vote overwhelmingly.
That brings us to the final event of the day, the Convention deliberations themselves. Once again, we were shut out of the Pepsi Center.
We watched the Presidential Roll Call in a big auditorium in the Convention Center. The big event here was when Hillary Clinton introduced the motion to select Obama by acclimation.
We moved to the Sheraton Hotel bar to watch the rest of the proceedings. Bill Clinton's reception and address were STUPENDOUS. He continuously brought down the house. Vintage Bill Clinton. In my mind, he was far superior to Hillary in unifying the party behind Obama. She said she was behind Obama. He, directly asked her backers to get behind Obama. I noted yesterday that she fell short of that.
The other speakers, from knowns to unknowns were also quite eloquent in their praise of Barak Obama.
Finally, Joe Biden did a good, but not great job, in my opinion, of spelling out why Obama is far superior to McCain. In my mind, Biden is still a great choice for VP. Even if this might not have been his best moment.

Well, it is now past midnight. So, I have to turn in.
Stay tuned for the last day.
OH....I almost forgot to tell you that we got credentials for the Invesco Field acceptance speech by Obama. It will be a many hour wait in the open stadium before he actually delivers it. But, it will be historic.
That report is for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alan and Barbara,

Randy and I will see you there (in my dreams!)!!! We are in Section 512, Seat 387, described as being in the upper northwest.