Monday, August 18, 2008

First Blog

With inspiration from the children, Bill and Meg Gemmill, of my long time friends Bill and Francine Gemmill, I am taking the plunge to start my own blog.
I am doing it now as I head out to Denver for the Democratic National Convention.
Staying with my sister, and visting with friends before the Convention actually starts next week.
My wife will be joining me on Friday.
We hope to have a chance to actually get into the action on the floor of the Pepsi Center.
But, so far, we only have minor rolls in the Colo Convention Center.
It should be exciting whatever we do.
Wish us luck.


Sandra said...

Hi Alan,

Have a great time. Thanks to you and Barbara for doing your civic duty. I'm sure it will be a fabulous experience.

Send my love to Bunny.

Otto said...

Alan -
Congratulations on getting this effort underway - I look forward to your keen insights and all the news we wouldn't expect to hear from the talking heads -
Cheers / Otto